What makes our eggs unique:
- We raise only pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock (chicken) and Khaki Campbell (duck) and we breed our own replacement hens and roosters/drakes. Barred Plymouth Rock is one of the oldest breeds in North America and used to be very popular with homesteaders and small farms in the US and Canada. Khaki Campbell is also a heritage breed, that originated in England over 100 years ago.
- When choosing breeding stock from our flock, we focus primarily on: health and overall body condition, foraging ability – “pasture smarts”, and then on laying capability.
- We follow managed rotational grazing. We use electric netting to contain birds to a certain location of a pasture and after a few days, up to a week, we move them to a new location, with fresh grass, and bugs. Hens don’t come back to the same spot for at least 2 months, which gives chance for pasture to recover and become better than before due to birds droppings (natural fertilizer) and their soil scratching (aeration).
- The hens browse for their food and scratch and peck wherever they want. Foraging is a big part of their diet and that includes grasses, forbs, herbs, insects, snails as well as vegetables and fruits from our market garden and orchard. They are also offered non-GMO feed as a supplement to what they find on our pastures.
- We provide free access to oyster shells to our hens, to meet the demand for calcium (egg shell production). We never use chicken/duck egg shells as a source of calcium for our hens, we compost eggs shells.
Chicken eggs

Duck eggs